Why Do We Struggle with Gratitude?
Despite feeling uplifted and inspired after a sermon or worship service, many of us find it challenging to maintain that sense of gratitude throughout the week. Life's demands and distractions often pull us away from a thankful heart, leading us back into patterns of ingratitude. This struggle is not unique to any one of us; even preachers experience it. A hard truth about gratitude is that if we don't actively choose it, we default to ingratitude. Our minds and bodies naturally gravitate towards discontentment, anxiety, and frustration unless we make a conscious effort to remain grateful.
3 Gratitude Blockers
Discontentment: The Desire for More
Discontentment is a significant gratitude blocker. We often find ourselves wanting what
we don't have, whether it's a new house, a better job, or more material possessions. Maybe you often (not just occasionally) find yourself complaining, worrying, being anxious, preoccupied with what you don't have, greedy, jealous, never satisfied with anything or anyone, hard to please, sad, or disappointed. These are all signs of a discontent heart. When we're so busy wanting more or worrying or just being discontent in general, it blinds us of God's goodness in our lives. A discontent spirit clogs up our
hearts and minds, making it almost impossible to be grateful.
Distraction: The Noise of Everyday Life
Our lives are filled with distractions-work, hobbies, responsibilities, and even good things like spending time with family. These distractions can lead to procrastination, anxiety, and ultimately, a lack of gratitude. While not all distractions are bad, they can divert our focus from God and His goodness. Unless we live in a bubble, we will always have distractions and things vying for our attention - let's make sure we're keeping the main thing the main thing. Set your hearts and minds on things above. Don't let the everyday, worldly things we do get in the way of showing gratitude to God for every
breath we breathe.
Entitlement: The Idol of Self
Entitlement and self-preoccupation are perhaps the most insidious gratitude blockers. When we believe we deserve everything we have and more, we place ourselves at the center of our lives, leaving little room for God. This self-worship leads to a sense of entitlement that blinds us to the need for gratitude. We put the pressure of the world on
ourselves because we're so scared to admit we have needs. We're self-sufficient and
it's a badge of honor in our society. However, we can't worship and show gratitude to God if we're too busy showing it to ourselves.
Colossians 3 Gratitude Boosters
In Colossians 3, Paul addresses the young believers in Colossae, urging them to put to death their earthly nature and embrace their new life in Christ. He lists behaviors that hinder gratitude, such as anger, rage, malice, and greed (BLOCKERS), and contrasts them with virtues like compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (BOOSTERS). Paul encourages us to set our hearts and minds on things above, not on earthly distractions. By doing so, we allow the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts, leading to a life filled with gratitude and thankfulness.
Embrace Compassion and Kindness
Compassion and kindness are powerful gratitude boosters. When we focus on loving others and showing kindness, we shift our attention away from our own desires and towards the needs of others, fostering a grateful heart.
Practice Humility and Patience
Humility and patience help us recognize our dependence on God and His provision. By acknowledging that we cannot do everything on our own, we open our hearts to gratitude for God's grace and mercy.
Bind Everything with Love
Love is the ultimate gratitude booster. When we love God and others, we naturally become more thankful for the blessings in our lives. Love binds all virtues together, creating a harmonious and grateful heart.
Life Application
This week, let's challenge ourselves to identify and overcome the gratitude blockers in our lives. Here are a few questions to guide your reflection:
What areas of my life am I discontent with, and why?
What distractions are pulling me away from focusing on God's goodness?
In what ways am I placing myself at the center of my life, leading to a sense of entitlement?
Practical Steps
Set aside time each day to reflect on God's blessings and express gratitude.
Identify one area of discontentment and find something positive about it to be thankful for.
Limit distractions by setting boundaries for work, hobbies, and screen time.
Practice humility by acknowledging your dependence on God and seeking His
By actively choosing gratitude and addressing the blockers in our lives, we can cultivate
a heart that is continually thankful, reflecting the love and goodness of God.
Grace upon grace,